No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve a decent life. We deserve to feel strength and stability day after day. We deserve to know we have the power to take care of ourselves and build our own futures.
At Habitat for Humanity, this is what unites us. Through shelter, we empower. Our shared vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Because you, me, we — we’re all humans. And every single one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future.
Housing affects us all – our social well-being, our community’s aesthetic appeal and stability, and our economy. Yet, purchasing affordable housing is out of reach for many working families. Over half of all adults have made at least one trade-off in the past three years to cover their rent or mortgage. Trade-offs include taking a second job, cutting back on healthcare and healthy food, and moving to less safe neighborhoods. (Source: Habitat for Humanity International)
With quality, affordable housing, stability and self-reliance are obtainable, not merely aspirational. Housing improves educational achievement, encourages responsible citizenship, and becomes a wealth-building tool. Homeowners, compared to renters (of the same age, income, race, etc.), are less likely to have substance abuse issues and more likely to attend church and join school PTA. The social impact of stable housing on children is significant; they’re less likely to be involved in teen pregnancy, be on welfare, or be idle at age 20, and more likely to graduate from college and be higher wage earners in adulthood. (Source: Habitat for Humanity International)
For more information about our community’s poverty rate, click here, or visit